Hong Kong protests resume… and freedom of speech suffers further

After a long lull for cause of coronavirus fears, last week-end the Hong Kong protests resumed, albeit in a very subdued form. Triggered by a coup de force in the Legco on Friday, protesters responded somewhat timidly to the call to action. While protesters played … Continue readingHong Kong protests resume… and freedom of speech suffers further

The “8 31 attacks” and the culture of outrage

Since the beginning of 2020, the Hong Kong protests have focused on the “8 31 attacks” and the culture of outrage that is becoming a focal point of protesters. It did not help that police always reacts with overwhelming force and irritation to these “commemorations”. … Continue readingThe “8 31 attacks” and the culture of outrage

Context is king: when guns come out in Hong Kong

Since the start of the protests in Hong Kong, policemen have been seen on several occasions taking out their guns and in at least two occasions, shooting protesters. The actions which lead to impressive footage or action scenes must not lead us to forget that … Continue readingContext is king: when guns come out in Hong Kong

Hong Kong Protests: in the war zone

It was a couple of weeks ago that we found ourselves in one of the most intense fights of the time between protesters and police in Hong Kong (where even Wanchai looked tame). For six to seven hours, I was literally in the war zone, … Continue readingHong Kong Protests: in the war zone

From the Hong Kong frontlines…

As we entered another 11th week-end of protests in Hong Kong, on 17 August, the police prohibited or severely restricted all the protests taking place on Saturday and Sunday. Once again, it seemed that I would be reporting from the Hong Kong frontlines, instead of … Continue readingFrom the Hong Kong frontlines…

Mongkok’s “karaoke street” explodes the decibels

The famous Sai Yeung Choi Street where performers show off karaoke performance and which is also known as Mongkok’s “karaoke street” came through as exploding the decibels. To counteract the noise level from the performers trying to outdo each other with louder volume, a shop … Continue readingMongkok’s “karaoke street” explodes the decibels