Scrambles & Izakayas: Tokyo Nights in Shibuya & Shinjuku

After three long years of COVID restrictions, I yearned for the vivid contrasts of Tokyo’s nights – from the blazing neons of Shibuya’s towering screens and scrambled crossings, to the cozy izakayas tucked away in Shinjuku’s Omoide Yokocho. … Continue readingScrambles & Izakayas: Tokyo Nights in Shibuya & Shinjuku

Hong Kong Protests: in the war zone

It was a couple of weeks ago that we found ourselves in one of the most intense fights of the time between protesters and police in Hong Kong (where even Wanchai looked tame). For six to seven hours, I was literally in the war zone, … Continue readingHong Kong Protests: in the war zone

The Hong Kong Way on Mid-Autumn Festival

Mid-Autumn festival is linked to the harvest and thus an important traditional occurrence in Hong Kong and also in China. In full Black Bauhinia Revolution, it made sense that the protesters would try to celebrate mid-Autumn festival in a special manner. Lights on the mountains … Continue readingThe Hong Kong Way on Mid-Autumn Festival

…to another gigantic march

We mentioned about tensions rising during that long march from To Kwa Wan to Mongkok and how it ended in police operations to disperse the protesters. The day after, everything changed again, as the population responded en masse to a protest, thus proving that support … Continue reading…to another gigantic march

Easter in the Philippines

Being a Catholic country, obviously, Easter in the Philippines is something special. With great fervor and intensity, Filipinos are known to celebrate the Holy Week to a higher degree then elsewhere. Most people have heard about the crucifixions and other shows made around people who … Continue readingEaster in the Philippines

A night barefoot hike on Kowloon Peak

After having climbed suicide cliff barefoot and by night, I still had to more. That’s why, last Sunday, I decided to do a night barefoot hike on Kowloon Peak to catch the sunrise. Starting off at 3 AM Although I live very close to Kowloon … Continue readingA night barefoot hike on Kowloon Peak