Another barefoot hike on the Dragon’s Back

On this extended week-end of Chinese New Year in Hong Kong, it was exciting to go for a hike. The easiest option available was, obviously, to go for another barefoot hike on the Dragon’s Back. A crowded hike On week-ends, habitually, the hike is pretty … Continue readingAnother barefoot hike on the Dragon’s Back

A drone flight and a barefoot hike around Ma On Shan park

Weeks go ahead, and I try to go regularly out for a barefoot hike. Lately, I acquired a Mavic Pro drone, and while still learning to function with it, I combined a drone flight and a barefoot hike around Ma On Shan park.   Barefoot … Continue readingA drone flight and a barefoot hike around Ma On Shan park

Happy New Year: ending 2017 with a barefoot hike on Dragon’s Back!

Ending the year with a barefoot hike on Dragon’s Back Originally, before starting on my barefoot hike on suicide cliff, I had planned on starting barefoot hiking by a first barefoot hike on Dragon’s Back. The reason being that the Dragon’s back is fairly easy … Continue readingHappy New Year: ending 2017 with a barefoot hike on Dragon’s Back!