Hong Kong Protests: The Mall Singalongs

Since a couple of weeks, and after the emergence of prohibitions of protests by the Hong Kong Police, the protesters have switched to another form of protests: flash mobs in malls, creating mall singalongs for their new “National Anthem”, “Glory to Hong Kong. A mall … Continue readingHong Kong Protests: The Mall Singalongs

…to another gigantic march

We mentioned about tensions rising during that long march from To Kwa Wan to Mongkok and how it ended in police operations to disperse the protesters. The day after, everything changed again, as the population responded en masse to a protest, thus proving that support … Continue reading…to another gigantic march

From the Hong Kong frontlines…

As we entered another 11th week-end of protests in Hong Kong, on 17 August, the police prohibited or severely restricted all the protests taking place on Saturday and Sunday. Once again, it seemed that I would be reporting from the Hong Kong frontlines, instead of … Continue readingFrom the Hong Kong frontlines…

Stranded abroad! When HK airport got blocked by the protesters

Although I live in Hong Kong, somehow I never got personally affected by the protests (except when I went to cover them). This time however, the blockage of all the operations on 12th August at the HK airport got me stranded abroad in Cebu. A … Continue readingStranded abroad! When HK airport got blocked by the protesters

Hong Kong : love in times of tear gas

In shocking developments, on July 22, 2019, suspected triad gang members attacked and beat up protesters, people clad in black or even passerbys at Yuen Long MTR station, in the New Territories. As a response, on 27 July, protesters decided to go to Yuen Long … Continue readingHong Kong : love in times of tear gas