Hong Kong’s people reject extradition to China

The huge crowds that were marching on Sunday 9 June 2019 in Hong Kong to protest the extradition bill understood it was time to push back Beijing. Under the extradition bill, people could be extradited to China and face judgment or prison terms in what … Continue readingHong Kong’s people reject extradition to China

The inexorable descent to hell of the “Umbrella Movement”

Yesterday, the leaders of the 2014 movement called “Occupy HK” or also the “Umbrella Movement” went down yet another rung into what seems to be an inexorable descent to hell. After wonderfully squandering a unique leverage and negotiation position afforded by 3 months of continuous … Continue readingThe inexorable descent to hell of the “Umbrella Movement”

A big protest against the jailing of “Occupy” leaders

  Today, Sunday 20 August, a massive protest took place in Hong Kong from Wanchai to Central, before the Court of Final Appeals. The demonstration was organized by several organizations calling to protest against the imprisonment of pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong. A surprising mobilization … Continue readingA big protest against the jailing of “Occupy” leaders

Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement and its failure

Two years ago, a movement started in Hong Kong, initiated by  a group of young students whose energy and determination brought a megalopolis to a standstill from September 2014 to December 2014. Since then, the movement got bogged down in its own indecision and some … Continue readingHong Kong’s Umbrella Movement and its failure