Last week-end, I went out on a bit of an urban exploration in Aberdeen. Aberdeen, on the far side of Hong Kong island is a bit of an unknown entity, mostly reputed for being the location of Ocean Park, but is also rich with hidden temples.
Aberdeen the city of shrines?
However, taking a stroll in the city allows several interesting discoveries with hidden worship places hidden all over within a very small space. I walked only 3 kms to find all these pictures.
Initially, I alighted at Aberdeen harbour, where you can see traditional sampans serving tourists as well as more traditional fishing boats moored in the harbour with the chimneys of the power generation center of Lamma island in background.

Old Chinese temple
As I walked further, I could see already other signs that Aberdeen is a bit different from the other parts of Hong Kong. Namely, a Chinese temple near a wet market.

I pushed on a bit further, and I came across another temple, this one right on a busy street of the city.

The temple in the trees
The most interesting of all, was probably the “temple in the trees”. I call it so because even if it is not fully on a tree, part of it is backed to an old banyan tree. When you see it first, it looks like this:

And when you follow the stairs, you end up seeing a first cabin, almost resting against the tree:

When you come to the top of the stairs, you have a wonderful sight on a little temple high perched over the city, which almost looks like a jungle hideout.

So, with these findings, you can go on and visit the hidden temples of Aberdeen.